The Importance of Communication The Nature of Communication The Process of Communication Communication Principle Using Communication Network Choosing the Optimal Communication Network
Cultural Diversity and Communication The Nature of Culture Cultural Differences in International Business Organizational Culture Dimensions of Organizational Culture Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture Organizational Culture and Careerplanning
Who are you You are What you Say (Maybe) Human Needs Roles Disclousure and Non Disclosure Disarming Communication Communicating the self to others
Interpersonal Process Transactional Analysis Perception Emotional Messages and Rational Messages Building with Criticism Managing Conflict Negotiating Skills: Negotiating Style and Outcomes Which Negotiating Style to use
Space, Time, Body Movement Voice, Objects, Mixed Messages, Culture and the non verbal
The Speaker Image, Speaking and Anxiety, Analysing the Audience, Planning the Delivery, your Verbal Image
Powerful First Impressions How to Make your Apperance Work for you Office Courtesies The Telephone The Protocol of Meetings Business Travel Table Manners
Info Lebih Lanjut :
Phone: 021 22320748
Mobile: 08953 5975 3918 ( Fadli )
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