Strategic Management
The value of strategic management in today’s corporate word
The strategic management process – a strutural approach
Strategic Analysis
The analysis and evaluation of the external environment
Understanding your customer
Analysing the industry environment and your competitors
The corporate resource analysis
Putting a strategy framework in place
Strategy planning
Value chain analysis
Strategy Formulation
Vision, mission and corporate objectives
Strategic decisions in today’s business environment
Develop the “right” strategy for your company
Corporate strategy, directional strategy and functional strategy
How to add value to all stakeholdels of the corporation
Strategic Choices
The implementation of business strategies as a key issue for
the survival of your company
The tool of benchmarking
Building sustainable competitive advantage
Strategy And Organisational Issues
Culture, behavior and leadership as a framework for the
implementation of strategy
Strategic Issues In Small Companies And Entrepreneurial Ventures
All business professionals involved in a startegic management
role, line managers in finance, marketing, manufacturing and
R&D, and all professionals involved in business development,
planning and implementation of strategy
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, CIR, CCSA
Founder and Technical Advisor, JPM & Partners, perusahaan
konsultan manajemen dan certified training provider Badan
Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko (BSMR). Beliau juga adalah
eksekutif di Indonesian Risk Professional Association (IRPA),
asosiasi para professional manajemen risiko. 15 tahun
pengalaman sebagai praktisi manajemen, konsultan, dan
instruktur dalam bidang governance, risk, and compliance. Kliennya
antara lain PT Sucofindo (Persero), PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat, PT
PLN Batam, PT Bank Bumiputera Tbk, PT Askes (Persero), Dana Pensiun
Telkom, Dana Pensiun Perkebunan, Dana Pensiun Pertama, dan PT BFI
Finance. Beliau adalah Certified in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), the
Institute of Internal Auditors, Florida, USA
Rp. 3,000,000 sudah termasuk
material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan,
makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum
termasuk pajak. Bagi 4 peserta atau
lebih dari perusahaan yang sama
akan mendapatkan diskon 10 %.
Info Lebih Lanjut :
Phone: 021 22320748
Mobile: 08953 5975 3918 ( Fadli )
Sertifikasi profesi bertujuan untuk memastikan kompetensi seseorang yang telah didapatkan melalui pembelajaran, pelatihan, maupun pengalaman kerja. Sertifikasi biasanya diberikan oleh organisasi atau asosiasi profesi yang mengetahui dengan pasti suatu kompetensi profesional dalam bidang tertentu.